How it works

Book Online or by Phone

If you do not know the exact departure time of your flight yet or if it is subject to change, you can still book with us and contact us as soon as you have a confirmation. This will allow us to update your information.

You will then receive a confirmation email with your booking dates, the time at which you are expected at our long-term stay Roissy parking lot, the total sum for payment, and all of our contact details.

In this email, we will also provide you with indications on how to get to Parking Pas Cher’s parking area, as well as your meeting point in the airport for the shuttle back based on your arrival terminal.

Don’t panic if after booking with us, some changes have been made to your travel! Just let us know by email or phone and we will make the right adjustments for you at no additional costs.

Let Your Vehicle With Us

If you choose our free transfer service to CDG Airport, you will need to arrive at our parking area Roissy PARKING PASCHER at the time previously set during your booking.

Your car will be taken care of by one of our chauffeurs, who will park it on a defined space in our secured parking lot.

In the meantime, we will write up the contract together. This will allow us to check the information we have on your return flight. We will then proceed to the payment for the rental.

If on your day of departure, some information on your return flight is still missing, you can write us an email or phone us while you are away.

Your transfer to your departure terminal at the Airport will operate using our free shuttles. We also offer a parking valet service for maximum comfort.

Valet Parking Services

A valet service is also available for you.

The valet service gives you the opportunity to drive directly to your airport departure terminal.

One of our valets will be expecting you and will take your car to our PARKING PASCHER’s parking facilities. All you have to do is to take your flight with an easy mind.

Once you’re back, a valet will hand your car over to you directly at your arrival terminal – you can drive back home.

Time-conscious travelers can also choose to be picked up by our valet directly in their own car after they land.

Naturally, this Premium offer relies on the punctuality of our service and enjoys the same level of quality standards from our staff.

Pricing details for this service are available on our ‘Prices’ page.

You can select this service in the booking form.

Car Cleaning Services

PARKING PASCHER also offers a range of car cleaning services.

In the booking form, simply select ‘Cleaning Services’. With this option, you can let us know if you wish the interior and/or exterior of your car to be cleaned.

We use professional equipment to meticulously clean your car and to make sure you are happy to find it back.

For a completely stressless and enjoyable journey, leave your car with us for a complete wash.

Pricing details for this service are available on our ‘Prices’ page.

You can select this service in the booking form.

Get Your Car Back

On your day of arrival, simply call our driver a first time after landing, then a second time after you have collected all your pieces of luggage. You will find the driver’s mobile phone number on the contract that you set up on departure day.

Our shuttle will come pick you up at your arrival terminal at the meeting point determined prior to your journey. You will find the meeting details in your confirmation email.

Once you arrive at PARKING PASCHER’s long-term stay parking lot, all you have to do is find your car ready to go.

If you have chosen the Valet Parking option, our driver will hand your car over to you at your arrival terminal.